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Term 2 Week 2

Monday 7th November

Coming up this week:

  • Maths - we are finishing off unit A of fractions which will be adding and subtracting mixed numbers and solving word problems involving fractions before the end of unit test on Thursday.
  • English - this week we will be writing a non-chronological report on the god or goddess of your choice. On Monday and Tuesday we will do some research and come up with a plan; on Wednesday and Thursday you will write the report.
  • Spag - subjects and objects in sentences and determiners, prepositions and connectives.
  • Science - we will more looking more closely at animal classification and classifying an animal using the Linnaean System.
  • RE - more linking evidence from the Old and New Testament that suggests Jesus was the Messiah prophesised in the Old Testament.
  • Topic - we will be looking at examples of ancient Greek pottery and discovering more about the designs and colours they used in preparation for designing our own Greek plates.
  • French - this week we will be learning words related to the home.
  • Computing - after a bit more research, we will start planning a design for our own web pages.
  • Trip to Trinity Theatre on Friday morning to watch Clifford the Big Red Dog!!