This Week's Home Learning

Term 2 Week 2
This week for your home learning, we would like you to read the script for this year's nativity. We have attached a full version to this post.
We are also sending a paper copy of the script home on Wednesday. We have highlighted the lines that you need to learn in pink.
Please use this week to learn your lines.
Although the actual performances are not until December. We are going to pre-record some of the lines ahead of time. Our first audio-recording session is scheduled for Thursday 18th November. So please get learning your lines straight away!
There will be more information with regards to dates, tickets and costumes closer to Christmas.
However, for the moment, we would really appreciate it if you could support this event by getting your child ready to confidently and fluently perform their lines.
If you would like some additional Home Learning sent home for your child this week, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via the class email address: We will do our very best to accommodate your needs.
Many thanks,
The Beech Team.