Term 5, Week 5

Week beginning 17th May
I am looking forward to catching up with you about your child on Tuesday during parent consultations. If you still need to sign up then please see the email sent with details on how to do this.
This week in English we are going to continue writing our recounts using all the interesting phrases, words that we have been collecting. We will also be looking at collective nouns. A collective noun refers to groups of things or people. For example: a swarm of bees, a crowd of people, a bunch of bananas.
In Maths, we are starting our new topic of 'shape'. We will begin by looking at lines of symmetry and if we can recognise them, moving on to creating our own symmetrical drawings. We will also be describing, naming and sorting 2D and 3D shapes. We will use our knowledge of shapes to sort them using Venn diagrams.
In Topic this week we will be looking at Ancient Egyptian housing, we will explore all the different features of houses and how these compare to present day houses. We will then try and recreate a house by painting.
Home learning
Reading books - If your child needs their book changed this will be done on a Monday and Thursday.
In books - There are some questions about 3D shapes.
Online - Visit BBC Bitesize website and have a go at the following game, Crystal Explorers
Any questions then please sent us an email.