This Week's Learning
Term 5 Week 2
In English this week, we are going to continue to create character descriptions. We are going to revisit and utilise all the fantastic descriptive techniques we used last week to describe the Yeti! We will start by creating a shared piece of writing before each creating our own unique description of this terrifying character.
In Maths we are going to revisit Place Value. We will remind ourselves the different values that digits can have depending on their position in a number. We will then turn our attention to using this understanding to solve problems and complete reasoning activities. We will also focus our attention on 2D and 3D shapes.
In Science we will complete our scientific conclusions for the dissolving investigation we completed before Easter.
In R.E. we will continue to focus on Judaism. We will also complete P.E and Art and Design activities.
We are looking forward to another really productive week in Beech Class. If you would like to know more about any of the activities that we are doing this week or you need help with home learning, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address.