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Term 2 Week 5

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class?


WB: 30.11.20

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we will be looking carefully at different types of charts, for example pictograms, bar charts and tables to interpret information. We will also be reading charts to compare different information using our knowledge of addition and subtraction.  Our next piece of work about interpreting data will involve reading and drawing line graphs.

In English, we are starting to plan our next piece of extended writing.  Lilac Class are going to write an article for a travel brochure or website that advertises Belize as a fantastic holiday destination. We will be exploring how to persuade the reader using imperative verbs, persuasive adjectives, rhetorical questions and fronted adverbials.  For inspiration, Dr Charles will show the class examples of different travel sites about visiting Belize and the different activities that you can do there.  We are now reading Chapters eleven to twelve of ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’.  Our focus is to be word detectives and find synonyms in passages of the text. 

In RE this week, we will be following up Father John’s talk about ‘Incarnation’ and Matthew, Chapters One and Two.  Our task is to explain what specific parts of the texts mean in our own words, drawing on what we learnt from Father John. 

In Topic, Lilac Class are going to create their own questions and answers about the life of the ordinary Mayan people using information from fact sheets.  We will also begin our pottery using clay based on our own designs that were inspired by examples of real Mayan pottery. In Music, we will be finish our own Space Music using graphic notation and symbols using the music we have been listening to for inspiration. In Science, we will be continuing with our sundial experiment making predictions, writing about how we carried out our experiment and explaining our results.  We will be using our knowledge we now have about the Sun and Earth.  In ICT we are learning to represent information in the form of a database.