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Term 5 Week 3

Homework for Lilac Class for the week beginning 29.4.24

Written Homework to be completed by Tuesday 7th May 2024

Please learn the following words for a spelling test.  This week we are learning words that are adverbials of time:

yesterday    tomorrow   later   immediately   earlier   eventually   recently   previously   finally   lately   

This week I would like you to write a sentence containing each word.  Include as many of the following that you can:

  • Can you use commas, full stops and capital letters correctly? 
  • Can you use some direct speech in your sentences including different words for ‘said’? 
  • Can you use a relative pronoun such as: that, which, who, whom and where?
  • Can you use an expanded noun phrase? 
  • Can you use parenthesis – brackets, commas or dashes to show additional information?  

Please refer to the ‘Monarchy’ Sheet that gives different strategies for how to learn spellings. This has been stuck in the front of your child’s Homework Book.

English Task: This week I would like you to find out information about some of the survivors of the Titanic disaster.  Who were they?  What class did they travel in?  What happened to them after the sinking of the ship?    Online Tasks: For Purple Mash I have set you Chapter 3 of a new e-book ‘A Tiger’s Path’.  Your login for Purple Mash has been stuck in your Homework Book.