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Term 2 Week 1

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 30.10.23

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 30.10.23

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are identifying prime and composite numbers, building on our knowledge of factors.  Numbers with exactly two factors are called prime numbers and numbers with more than two factors are called composite numbers.  We will be finding out that prime numbers are all odd apart from 2, as it only has two factors.  1 is a special case as it is neither prime nor composite because it has only one factor.  We will then be moving onto learning about square numbers and how they can be built using manipulatives. 

In English this week in Lilac Class we are starting to plan a non-chronological report about the different layers of a tropical rainforest using the features of report writing.  For example, using sub-headings to organise information and fronted adverbials to introduce information.  Our reports will inform the reader about how rainforests are structured and what groups of animals live in the different layers. For our Whole Class Guided Reading our text is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis and we are reading Chapter 8 this week.  We are developing our ability to summarise events in the chapter this week by writing what has happened in less than 30 words.  Summarising is one of our key progression of skills.  In RE, we are starting our new unit of learning entitled ‘Incarnation’.  As part of formative assessment, we are answering our big question ‘Was Jesus the Messiah?’

For Time and Place, we are finding out about the beliefs and religious practices of the Ancient Mayan Civilisation. We will be learning about the different gods and how they affected the lives of the Mayan people.

For Science in Lilac Class, we will be examining the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon.  We will be learning about how the different phases of the Moon occur, drawing on our knowledge that we obtained from our Earth, Sun and Moon Workshop at the Science Observatory Workshop.  In Art, Lilac Class will be making Mayan pottery based on original Mayan artefacts.  This week we will be sketching the shape of our pottery and what design it will be decorated with.