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Term 1 Week 3

Homework for Lilac Class for the week beginning 18.9.23

Written Homework to be completed by Tuesday 26th September 2023

Please learn the following words for a spelling test. This week we are continuing to learn words that begin with the prefixes in-, il-, im- and ir-.

inactive   incapable   inaccurate   incredible   immature   immobile   impossible   impatient       

This week I would like you to write a sentence containing each word to show that you understand the meaning.  Can you use commas, full stops and capital letters correctly?  Can you use some describing words such as adjectives and adverbs?  Please refer to the ‘Monarchy’ Sheet that gives different strategies of how to learn spellings.  This has been stuck in the front of the Homework Book. The VCOP sheet also gives examples of words and punctuation you can put into your sentences to develop them.

Maths Task: Please complete the worksheet entitled Numbers to 100,000.  This activity will consolidate work covered in Class. 

Online Task: For Purple Mash I have set you Chapter 2 of ‘Alien Hotel’’ (our new e-book). Your login for Purple Mash has been stuck in your Homework Book.