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Term 6 Week 1

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the week beginning 5.6.23

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 5.6.23

For Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are finding information in a two-way table.  Two-way tables show more than one piece of information about each variable.  We will move onto reading and interpreting timetables.  Lilac Class are thinking about why timetables are important and how a timetable is different to or the same as a two-way table.  We are then starting our new block of learning entitled ‘Shape’.  We will begin this unit by understanding and using degrees.  Lilac Class will find out how many degrees are in a full, half, quarter and a three quarter of a turn.  We will also be learning about what clockwise and anticlockwise mean and how many degrees are in a right angle.

In English this week in Lilac Class, we are starting to plan a dual narrative.  In Lilac class we will be reading our supplementary text ‘Ice Trap!  Shackleton’s Incredible Expedition’ by Meredith Hooper.  This text will serve as stimulus for our dual narrative writing.  The part of the text we are focusing on is where Endurance is trapped in the ice and is sinking.  As  a class we will discuss the question ‘What should Shackleton and his men do now that the ship is sinking?’  In groups we will act out this situation and what the men did e.g. pulling life boats across the ice and carrying provision from the sinking ship.  We will also be ‘Hot Seating’ talking about this situation from the view point of the men and then from the perspective of Ernest Shackleton, their leader. 

For our Guided Reading text, Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill this week, we are reading pages 37-42. Lilac Class are thinking about the effect of the illustrations on the meaning of the text and why they tell us so much about what is happening in the story.  For RE in Lilac Class, we are learning about the second pillar of Islam ‘Salah’ and why it is important to Muslims.  Lilac Class are thinking about why people pray and will explore the meaning of prayer and considering reasons why people from all religions pray and why it is important to them.  For Time and Place in Lilac Class, we are learning about the different climate zones of India and finding out about biomes and vegetation belts.  We will learn what ‘highlands’, ‘humid’, sub-tropical’, ‘semi-arid’, ‘arid’ and ‘tropical wet’ mean.  For Science in Lilac Class, we are comparing different groups of animals and how they reproduce.  We will also be comparing how different animals within each animal group bring up their young.  For Design and the Arts, we are continuing with our seascapes using a range of different materials to create a variety of effects and textures.