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Term 3 Week 1

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 2.1.23.

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 2.1.23

Happy New Year to you all!  This week will mainly be an assessment week.  The children will be completing reading comprehension, spelling, SPAG and arithmetic and reasoning skills tests.  As formative assessment, Lilac Class are answering some questions about the Victorians and the Industrial Revolution, materials and their properties and answering our ‘Big Question in RE ‘How can following God bring freedom and justice?’ We will also be exploring what we would like to find out about the Victorians and what knowledge we already have of them and this particular period in history. 

Please see the Parent’s Letter attached to our blog this week explaining what we are covering and what is happening in detail during terms 3 and 4, PE days and information about Home Learning.