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Term 2, Week 2

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 7.11.22


In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are identifying prime and composite numbers, building on our knowledge of factors.  Numbers with exactly two factors are called prime numbers and numbers with more than two factors are called composite numbers.  We will be finding out that prime numbers are all odd apart from 2, as it only has two factors.  1 is a special case as it is neither prime nor composite because it has only one factor.  We will then be moving onto learning about square numbers and how they can be built using manipulatives. 

In English this week in Lilac Class, we are starting a new piece of extended writing entitled ‘Come to Belize!’ We will be watching travel site videos and reading information on travel websites about visiting Belize on holiday and why you should visit it. As a whole class we will ‘Magpie’ language used and brain storm phrases and words that are examples of persuasive writing.  For example, holiday makers can visit the lost cities of the Ancient Mayans, explore the tropical rainforests and swim in the Great Blue Hole.  For our Whole Class Guided Reading our text is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis and we are reading Chapter Nine this week.  We are thinking about synonyms for a variety of words in the text and the intention of the author: why do you think the author doesn’t want you to think Edmund is too bad?  We will be focusing on Edmund’s behaviour and what motivates him to do what he does, even though he is afraid.  In RE, we are thinking about what the Messiah will be like and where he will be born when he returns to Earth.  Lilac Class are also thinking about why the Jewish people are still waiting for the Messiah and what they expect him to be. 

For Time and Place, we are finishing our work about the Mayan number system and will then be moving onto translating some Mayan writing.  We will be considering what  the Mayan writing system consisted of and how words were constructed.

For Science in Lilac Class, we will be exploring the link between mass and weight and learning about Sir Isaac Newton.  We will also be conducting an experiment about the mass and weight of objects using Newton Metres.  In Art, Lilac Class will be making Mayan pottery based on original Mayan artefacts.  This week we will finish our sketching of the shape of our pottery and what design it will be decorated with.  Lilac Class are then making the pottery out of clay.