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Term 1 Week 6

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the week beginning 10.10.22

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 10.10.22

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are solving multi-step addition and subtraction problems applying the strategies we have learned so far to solve addition and subtraction calculations. We are also comparing calculations where our focus is not on completing calculations, but instead exploring their structure in order to make comparisons. Lilac Class are also finding missing numbers revising the use of the inverse operation.   

In English this week, we are perfecting our diary accounts and are writing best copies for a display.  Our focus is excellent presentations and handwriting.  For our Whole Class Guided Reading our text is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis and we are reading Chapter Six this week.  Lilac Class are going to be ‘word detectives’ working out what specific phrases mean in the text by looking carefully at the sentence they are in.  For example, ‘harbouring spies and fraternizing with humans’.  In RE, we are examining what moral behaviour means and finding out why Christians believe that confessing their sins to God is important. Lilac Class will be thinking about how they feel when they say sorry and confess to someone that they have upset and how they feel when they forgive someone.   

For our Time and Place topic entitled ‘The Ancient Mayan Civilisation’ Lilac Class are learning about how Mayan society was structured and the differences between an absolute and constitutional Monarchy. 

For Science in Lilac Class, we will be visiting the Science Observatory at Herstmonceux where we will take part in a Sun and Moon Workshop and have a Telescope Tour.  In addition, there will be many hands-on indoor and outdoor scientific practical activities to do. In class, Lilac Class will be making sundials in preparation for a whole class experiment.  In Music, we are refining our ‘Moonscapes’ that describe space using a range of dynamics.  We will be recording our musical ideas using graphic notation.