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Term 5 Week 6

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb. 23.5.22

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 23.5.22

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are learning about decimals up to two decimal places and investigating decimals as fractions, using both concrete and pictorial representations. 

In English this week, we are continuing to draft our newspaper article about the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. Our task this week is to include in our articles eyewitness accounts based on our interviews of such key people as Frederick Fleet (who was at the top of the crow’s nest and was the first to spot the iceberg), Captain Arthur Henry Rostron of the Carpathia, Officer Charles Lightoller (who survived jumping off the Titanic into the icy water) and Captain Stanley Lord of the Californian.  In Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill, our Whole Class Guided Reading text, we are using our inference skills by answering such questions as: ‘Why do you think Shackleton reviewed his plans to evacuate?’ and ‘Why do you think Shackleton remained positive in front of the crew?’

In RE this week, we are learning about Salah, the Second Pillar of Islam.  Lilac Class are considering such questions as ‘How and why do Muslims pray?’ and ‘How does prayer provide guidance for Muslims?  We will be exploring the similarities and differences between prayer in Islam and in other religions. 

For our Time and Place topic entitled ‘Life on Earth’, we are continuing our work about why rivers are important and what they are used for. For Science, Lilac Class are learning about the life cycles of an amphibian and an insect by exploring complete and an incomplete metamorphosis.   We will also be looking carefully at our broad beans plants that we are growing from a broad bean. Dr Charles is regularly photographing them! Lilac Class are also growing a geranium from a cutting. In Music, we will be practising our songs for the Tunbridge Wells Singing Festival to be held on Tuesday 21st June at the Tunbridge Wells Assembly Halls. On Monday 23rd May we are visiting Claremont Primary School for a rehearsal and will be singing with other schools.  Please keep an eye out for the details about purchasing tickets for the performance in June. An email will go out soon about how tickets can be purchased.  In Art, we are continuing with our Seascapes, thinking about the colours and materials that we want to use. 

There will be no Homework set for the half term break.  I have attached again our Learning Matrix if you would like to do some optional activities. You can also use this time to catch up with any Purple Mash or Classroom Secrets Kids activities you have not completed