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Term 4 Week 6

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb.28.3.22

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 28.3.22

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.  An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator.  A mixed number is a number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction.  Lilac Class will be seeing this process represented visually to allow us to make connections between the concept and what happens in the abstract.  

In English this week, we are writing an argument in the form of a letter. It is 1901 and Queen Victoria has just died.  The letter will be to the editor of The Times about the positive and negative impact the development of railways has had on the population of Great Britain. In Guided Reading, we are finishing Berlie Doherty’s Street Child. Lilac Class are particularly developing their ability to summarise key information in a succinct way and to make predictions based on events that have happened previously in the text and what we know about the characters.  

In RE, we are exploring the themes of jealousy, weakness and selfishness and where they occur in the timeline of events from Jesus being arrested until his resurrection. We will then be revisiting our Big Question ‘What did Jesus do to save human beings?’ to assess what we have been learning. 

For our Topic this week, Lilac Class will be finding out what St Barnabas School was like when it first opened in 1896.  We will be using primary sources that are in school such as log book entries from the Head Teachers at the time and photographs.  For Science, in Lilac Class are conducting an experiment that will investigate whether altitude affects the process of evaporation. In Art, we are continuing with our Victorian samplers using binka and a selection of coloured thread.  Lilac Class will also be learning about William Morris and his designs.  We will then create our own designs based on his ideas related to nature – these designs will then be made into a stencil for poly printing.

There will be no Homework set for the Holiday.  Please use this time to catch up with any online Homework that you have not completed yet.  I have also uploaded our Wider Curriculum Matrix for some activities to complete and are optional.