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Term 4 Week 2

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb.28.2.22

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 28.2.22

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are starting our new block of learning entitled ‘Multiplication and Division’.  We are focusing on multiplication this week building on our understanding of the formal short multiplication method.  The children are using their knowledge of exchanging ten ones for one ten in addition and will be applying this to multiplication, including groups of tens. 

In English this week, we are continuing with the writing of our descriptions about the workhouse that will then feed into our ‘Narrative Workhouse Poems’. We will be reading poems that have been written about the Victorian workhouse, examining photographs and watching children’s BBC documentaries about life in the workhouse, to enrich the quality of our writing. In Guided Reading, we are reading chapters 14 and 15 of Berlie Doherty’s Street Child.  We will be developing our summarising skills, drawing on key information and writing it concisely. 

In RE, Lilac Class are examining the timeline of events leading up to Jesus’s death.  We are carefully analysing texts from the Bible and highlighting key phrases and vocabulary. We are outlining the timeline of the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible and explaining how Incarnation and Salvation fit within it.  We will be explaining what Christians mean when they say that Jesus’s death was a sacrifice, using theological terms. 

For our Topic this week, Lilac Class are finding out more about the important inventions and inventors during the Victorian era. We will be looking at photographs and drawing on what we learnt during our ‘Drama Hut’ workshop about the Victorians.  In Science, Lilac Class are finding out about why the processes of evaporation and condensation are examples of a reversible and irreversible change.  We are conducting an experiment in class to prove this.  In Art, we are continuing with our Victorian samplers using binka and a selection of coloured thread.