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Term 3 Week 5

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb. 7.2.22

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 7.2.22

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are learning about finding the perimeter of rectilinear shapes.  Lilac class will be using addition and subtraction to calculate the missing sides. We will also be using part-whole models to support our understanding of how to calculate missing sides. 

In English this week, we are examining in detail Chapters 4 and 5 of Berlie Doherty’s Street Child.  These chapters are about life in the workhouse and we will be using this text as a basis for our own description of a setting.  This will then feed into our poetry writing that we will be covering after half term.  In Guided Reading, we are reading chapters 10 and 11 and are thinking about our opinions as a reader and whether Rosie is telling the truth and why. 

In RE, Lilac Class will be creating a ‘conscience alley’ for Moses and the Pharaoh.  We are considering the positions of both Moses and the Pharaoh after the eighth plague (locusts) and exploring what these men would have been thinking and how both were torn in their decision making.

For our Topic this week, Lilac Class are finding out about the important inventions and inventors during the Victorian era. We will be looking at photographs and drawing on what we learnt during our ‘Drama Hut’ workshop about the Victorians.  In Science, Lilac Class are investigating the question:  What conditions cause more solid to dissolve?  We will be carrying out a fair and reliable test to find out how force and temperature affect the amount of solid that dissolves in water.  In Art, we are painting our own version of a Victorian landscape using watercolours. Lilac Class are paying attention to the use of perspective and developing our colour mixing skills. 

There will be no Homework set for half term.  However, I have attached our Wider Curriculum Matrix where there are some optional activities. This will also be a time to catch up with ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’, our e-book on Purple Mash and any Classroom Kids activities that need to be completed.