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Term 2 Week 6

Homework for Lilac Class for the wb. 6.12.21

Homework to be completed by Tuesday 14th December 2021

  1. As we are getting to the end of term there will be no spellings to learn.  I have set you on Purple Mash Chapters 4 and 5 to read of Alien Hotel and the quiz for each chapter. I have also set you a grammar activity to do entitled Magic School.  This is about using relative clauses when writing sentences.
  2. For additional online learning we now have Classroom Secrets Kids. Your child has a letter about this and their online details stuck in their Homework Book.  I have set an activity entitled Inverse Operations to consolidate our learning. Please do not hesitate in contacting me if you have any problems accessing this.
  3.  In preparation for our work we are going to cover in class, produce a mind map or poster design about why you think the Mayan civilization began to disappear and decline.  What could have happened to the mysterious Mayans?  Were there too many battles between the Mayan States?  Was there a famine? Was there a natural disaster such as an earthquake or hurricane?