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Term 2 Week 4

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb. 22.11.21

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 22.11.21

For Maths in Lilac Class this week, we are continuing with our block of learning entitled ‘Statistics’. This week Lilac Class are interpreting and comparing charts.  We will also be working with line graphs in the context of time.  In Lilac Class will be using our knowledge of scales to read a time graph accurately and create our own line graphs to represent continuous data.   

For English this week, we are using our detailed plans to draft a non-chronological report about a tropical rainforest. Our focus is to organise and categorise information and to use sub-headings effectively.  We will need to use factual and technical language and write in the third person to ensure our report sounds formal and impersonal.

Our Whole Class Guided Reading text this term is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis. We are reading Chapter Eleven this week and our focus will be developing our inference skills. We will be considering why Edmund’s heart gave a great leap when he realises the frost is over and be explaining how C.S. Lewis switches from Winter to Spring and the effect this has on the reader. 

In RE this week, we continuing with our examining of texts from the Bible - ‘The Birth of Jesus: Matthew Chapter 1’ and ‘The Wise Men:  Matthew Chapter 2’.  Lilac Class are going to highlight some of the evidence in the texts that led Christians to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.  We will be looking carefully for clues in the texts that connect with statements.  For example, ‘Someone to make Israel a great nation and bring peace to the world’ links in the Bible text with ‘A ruler will come from you who will be like a shepherd for my people Israel’.

In Science this week, we are conducting our Sundial Experiment.  Last week we made a prediction as to what we thought would happen to the shadow of our gnomon on our sundials during the experiment.  We will be drawing on our knowledge we have gathered so far about the relationship between the movement of the Sun and the Earth. We are recording our observations and making a hypothesis as to why we obtained the results that we did.  In ICT this week we are creating a formula in a spreadsheet to convert measurements.  In Topic, we are continuing with our work about the Mayan number system and will be writing a selection of Mayan words. We will also be finding out about the glyphs for each month in the Mayan Haab calendar and designing Mayan calendars.  In Art, we are painting our Mayan pottery based on our designs we created that were inspired by real Mayan artefacts. In Music, we are creating our own ‘Moonscapes’ using a wide range of pitched and unpitched percussion instruments.  We will be recording our musical ideas using graphic notation and musical symbols.