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Term 2 Week 2

What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb. 8.11.21

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 8.11.21

For Maths in Lilac Class this week, we will be continuing with our work about rounding to estimate answers for calculations and problems. We will then be using inverse operations, drawing on our knowledge of addition and subtraction to check our calculations to ensure accuracy. We will use the commutative law to see that addition can be done in any order but subtraction cannot.

For English this week, we are levelling up our space poems and making them even better. Our poetry writing has been inspired by Pie Corbett’s ‘Six Ways to Look at the Moon and Space Staring’ and space poems by other children’s poets.  Lilac Class have been ‘Magpies’ taking and using words and phrases that we particularly like that poets have used in their own work as inspiration for our own.  As well as looking at different ways a poem can be structured, Lilac Class are also learning about the conventions of poetry writing such as the use of metaphors, similes, alliteration and onomatopoeic words.  

Our Whole Class Guided Reading text this term is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis.  We are reading Chapter Nine and will be using our inference skills to explore why the author does not want the reader to think that Edmund is too bad and analysing Edmund’s thoughts and feelings. 

In RE this week, we will be considering why people thought Jesus was the Messiah. The Jewish people were waiting for a Messiah, or ‘anointed one’: a Saviour.  We will be finding out about what qualities they expected the Messiah to have.  Based on our own ideas and what we already know about Jesus we will then create our own ‘wanted’ poster for the Messiah – what must the Messiah be like?

In Science this week, we are continuing with our work about how day and night occur and will be explaining what happens to the Sun and the Earth during the course of the day.  We will be drawing on what we learnt during our Sun and Moon Workshop at Herstmonceux Science Observatory. In ICT this week, we are coming to the end of our block of learning entitled ‘Coding’. In Topic, Lilac Class are finding out about the everyday life of the Mayan people, for example what were their homes like?  What clothes did they wear?  What were the roles of men, woman and children?  We will also be finding out about Mayan food and farming and their crafts. In Art, we are making Mayan pottery out of clay based on our designs we created last week that were inspired by real Mayan artefacts.