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Term 5 Week 1 Home Learning

Homework for Lilac Class wb. 19.4.21

Written Homework to be completed by Thursday 29th April 2021

Please learn the following words for a spelling test on 29.4.21.  This week we are learning some more words from the Year 5 and 6 Spelling List:

existence   explanation   familiar   foreign   forty   frequently government   guarantee 

Put each word into a sentence that explains the meaning   If you are unsure, look the word up in a dictionary. Please put a comparative conjunction (e.g. as well as, also, equally, similarly, likewise) or contrasting conjunction (e.g. alternatively, although, whereas, while, in contrast, however, despite) into your sentence. Can you write a relative clause using who, which, where, when, whose and that? Can you use a  fronted adverbial at the beginning of your sentence? For example, Afterwards, Immediately, As soon as I could, Anxiously, Curiously, Just then, Eventually. Can you include some speech marks in your sentences? What different words can you use for ‘said’? For example, ‘replied’, ‘whispered’, ‘shouted’, ‘cried’, answered’, bellowed’, ‘screamed’. Can you create an expanded noun phrase or use a modal verb in your sentence? Can you use brackets, dashed and commas to show parenthesis in your sentences? Remember to use a range of punctuation.  You do not need to do all of these things!  Try using at least three!  Please look carefully at the VCOP sheet that has been stuck into the back of your Homework book. 


Maths Task: As a revision exercise I would like you to complete the worksheets about equivalent fractions.


Online Tasks: I have set you some online Homework for the week beginning 19.4.21.  For MyMaths I have set you 2 activities entitled Fractions of Amounts and Finding Fractions. For your Purple Mash this week I have set you 2 online multi-choice activities about Chapters 5 and 6 of Lexi and the Giant our e-book that you are reading.