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Term 2 Week 5

Chestnut Class learning for term 2 week 5

We have made an excellent start to our adventure stories and it has been good to see the children using many of the writing features we have been learning.  This week, we will be writing 2 more sections and practising our editing skills.  This is a sophisticated skill that we will be working on all year.  The children will work in pairs reading their stories aloud.  The idea is that in doing so, they may spot errors or omissions and be able to put them right with a level of independence.

In our spelling sessions we will continue to embed words from the Year 3 and 4 statutory list and also tackle tricky words that have been identified from their story writing.  We will be  moving on to look at descriptive fronted adverbials.  It has been wonderful to see the children using fronted adverbials in their story writing.

This week in maths, we will be refreshing place value from the beginning of the year and then carrying out some end of unit activities.  The Purple Mash game Monster Multiplication is proving really popular during our times tables practise sessions.  This is not an activity that I need to set as a task and children can access it themselves from home.  Their enthusiasm is wonderful!


Following Father John’s visit to class last week, we will be writing about our understanding of how the 4 accounts of the Gospel differ.  We have discussed this will be recording our understanding this week.  We will consider how this contributes to our understanding of the Trinity.


There has been some impressive hoola hooping going on in PE and the children have been working on skipping challenges.  It is a delight to see them making progress in both areas and we look forward to more personal challenges this week!