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Term 4 Week 5

Here is an outline of your learning for term 4, week 5:

Term 4 Week 5 – overview

Reading challenge – we have made a visual display to track our home reading.  Each week when reading records are checked, every child who brings their record (completed with their weekly reading)will earn a star.  Remember that 10 minutes’ of reading each day makes a huge difference to overall literacy and especially expanding vocabulary!

Our ukulele lesson will take place on Tuesday morning with Mr Lawrence.

Spelling and grammar –we will be practising a selection of homophones and looking at the suffixes sure, ture, cher, sion, ssion, tion and cian.

We will be reading, discussing and answering questions about our new guided reading text, Lob.  Lob has somehow made his way to Chelsea Flower Show and been captured by an exhibitor who wants to use him to do lots of his tough gardening tasks!

In English, we will be completing an information text on the water cycle.  This will link up with our work in science.

In Maths, we will be looking at division and 2 and 3-digit numbers, correspondence problems and efficient strategies.  We are also practising times tables every day and setting a class target to beat each week.

In RE, our new unit of focus is ‘Salvation’ and we will be considering the big question, ‘Why do Christians call the day Jesus cried Good Friday?’  This week, we will look at signs that someone might be a Christian

In Science, we will be carrying out an observation experiment on the water cycl.

In Geography, we are rounding off our unit by making a comparison between this country and a European country.  We are going to be looking at aspects of human and physical geography over the next few weeks.

In art, we will continue our unit on typography by mark making onto maps in preparation to design our own maps.


Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class or from the reading scheme.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on Tuesday and Friday mornings.  

Homework will be issued this Wednesday and is due in on the following Monday.

Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email

Have a lovely week!

Best wishes,

Mrs Barter