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Term 1 Week 2

Here is an outline of your learning for term 1, week 2

Term 1 Week 2– overview


Welcome back to school for a new academic year.  The children have had a brilliant first week and are settled and ready to learn!

We will have our first ukulele lesson of this year on Monday morning.  It is a fantastic opportunity to have an hour lesson each week with a fantastic teacher and instruments provided.

Spelling and grammar – we will be revising words from the statutory Year 3 and 4 spelling list.  We will also be focusing on determiners and clauses.

In English we will begin work on the book Escape From Pompeii by Cristina Ballit.  Our learning focus will be developing sensory descriptions and using powerful verbs to convey the events in Pompeii in AD79.

In Maths we will begin the year by refreshing our understanding of place value.  This week in particular we will look at representing numbers to 1 000, partitioning numbers to 1 000, placing numbers up to 1 000 on a number line and counting in thousands.

We will be continuing our guided reading The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl.  Last week we discussed and practised how to add emphasis to reading aloud when we spot italics.

In RE we will begin the year looking at the creation story.  We will be considering what messages there are for Christians in this story and thinking about things we consider to be wonderful in the natural world.

Mrs Tompsett will be teaching Science on Thursday afternoons.  This term begins with a unit on sound. Last week, they looked at how sound is made and will this week be learning about how vibrations travel through a medium to the ear.

Our time and place focus in the Roman invasion of Britain.  This week we will be locating Rome, placing the Roman occupation of Britain in a time context and thinking about other enquiries we have.

In art we will be looking at the work of Italian artist Giorgio Morandi.  We will use this as a basis to investigate tone and brush strokes over the term.

PE is on MONDAY MORNING and THURSDAY AFTERNOON and with Mr Luckhurst.  

Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on a Wednesday morning.  

Homework will be issued this Wednesday and is due in on the following Monday.

Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email

Have a lovely week!


Best wishes,

Mrs Barter