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Term 3 Week 2

Here is an overview of the learning in Chestnut Class for term 3 week 2

Term 3 Week 2 – overview

This term we are joined for 5 weeks by Miss Ahmed who is a Year 2 student from the University of Sussex.  


Ukulele lessons will not begin this week, but we look forward to resuming them in week 3!


Spelling and grammar – We will be focusing on spelling words ending with ‘ture’. In grammar sessions when NOT to use apostrophes and using apostrophes for plural possession


This week we will be carrying out assessments in maths, reading and writing.  This is to give the class team a picture of progress and to help set future targets for learning.


We have begun a new text in our whole class guided reading sessions.  We have already read the prologue and chapter 1 of The Boy Who Grew Dragons.  This text contrasts greatly with last term’s text, The Iron Man.  Our focus is to increase volume of reading aloud and paying greater attention to punctuation as we read.


In RE, we are continuing with our unit on Gospel.  Last week we thought about our own routines and favourite possessions and will this week be considering how the first disciples felt to be called by Jesus and the change it made to their lives.  We will also be learning about the story of the healing of the leper and what this tells us about the kind of world Jesus wanted.


Our topic theme is ‘How can we make a difference?’ and we will be discussing the importance of the oceans.  This will link into our ICT sessions on effective searching where we will be researching some key facts about plastic pollution in the ocean.


In art, we have begun a project on surface design.  We will be working on developing and improving our own pattern designs and also developing more professional looking sketch books with annotations.


PE is on Monday afternoon with Mr Luckhurst.


Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on a Wednesday morning.  


Homework will be issued this Thursday and is due in on the following Monday.

Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email address:


Have a lovely week!


Best wishes,

Mrs Barter