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Term 3 Welcome back

An outline of our learning for the first 3 days of term 3.

I am looking forward to seeing the class again after the Christmas break!

This is a short week in which we will be re-establishing routines and settling back into work.  We will be beginning a new topic called 'How can we make a difference?' and will begin by looking at features of persuasive writing.

Our spelling focus will be words with a 'g' sound spelled as 'gu'.  In grammar we will look at recognising apostrophes.

Our new term's guided reading book is The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd which we will begin this week.

In Maths we will be completing some work on perimeter on a grid and brushing up on multiplication and division skills.

We will begin our  new RE unit on Gospel.


Home learning will resume next week, but if your child is isolating, please contact the class email address in  order to discuss how your child can be supported.


Best wishes,

Mrs Barter