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Term 2 Week 2

Here is an outline of your learning for term 2 week 2

Term 2 Week 2 – overview



Ukulele lessons will continue with Mr Lawrence on Monday morning. What a wonderful way to start the week!


A reminder that on Friday we are fortunate to be going to The Trinity to watch My Neighbour Totoro.  A big thank you to Miss Mercer for arranging that.


Spelling and grammar - We will be working on spelling words with the prefixes in, im, il and ir.  In grammar sessions, we will continue to work on using pronouns.


In English we will begin writing the first part of our Escape from Pompeii stories.  The children completed the planning phase last week and are very excited about bringing their characters to life!


In Maths we will be adding 2 4-digit numbers without any exchange, then with one or more exchanges before we move on to subtraction.  We continue to practise times tables using a range of platforms and the homework focus for this term will be gaining fluency in times tables. Please practise little and often at home!


We have finished our guided reading text The Magic Finger and will be moving on to The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.  It is a real contrast to our last text in terms of complexity of punctuation and sentence structure.  It is a fantastic read!


In RE we will continue our unit on Incarnation which leads us up to Christmas.  We will be considering the Big Question:  What is the Trinity?  This week we will consider similarities in the language of the Creation story in Genesis and John’s account of the Gospel.


Mrs Atkinson will continue to teach Science to the class on Monday afternoon.  They are investigating how sound is made and travels.

Our topic lessons will continue to be on considering the impact of the Romans on Britain.  This week we will be thinking about who lived in Britain before the Roman invasion and what kind of lives they led.


PE is on Monday afternoon with Mr Luckhurst.


Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on a Wednesday morning.  


Homework will be issued this Thursday and is due in on the following Monday.

Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email address:


Have a lovely week!


Best wishes,

Mrs Barter