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2021/22 Term 1 Week 1

Here is an outline of your learning for term 1, week 1

Term 1  Week 1 - overview


Spelling and grammar - We will be revising spellings from the year 3 and 4.  We will be refamiliarising ourselves with the different strategies we can use to learn spellings.   In grammar sessions, we will look at determiners and clauses.


Our English focus for the start of this term is the wordless book ‘Quest’ by Aaron Becker.  This is the next book in the series and you may recall we followed this approach with his first book ‘Journey’ last year.  This week we will have plenty of time to immerse ourselves in the story and study the great detail of the illustrations.  We will be retelling the story, acting out key events and plotting the drama onto a graph.


We will be starting our whole class guided reading of The Magic Finger.  We will read the first section over several times together and discuss narrative and language features before completing some questions on what we have read and understood.


In Maths, we are going to be working on place value.  We will recap some learning from Year 3 by thinking about 100s, 10s and 1s, plus number lines to 1000 and rounding to the nearest 10.  We will be working on our times tables fluency in a dedicated session using Purple Mash and Hit the Button as a platform.


In RE we begin our unit on Creation.  We will be considering what wonders there are in creation before we move on to look at the text of Genesis.


Science begins with electricity this term and the children will begin by thinking about their own environments and their pre-existing understanding.


We will begin our topic work by looking at the geography of Europe, naming countries and capitals.  We will then look at the location of Rome specifically and consider the human and physical geography of the region.


PE is on Monday afternoon with Mr Luckhurst.


Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on a Wednesday morning.  A reminder that we would like children to read daily.


Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email address:


I am so looking forward to the year we have ahead!


Best wishes,

Mrs Barter