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Term 5 Week 3

Here is the outline of your learning in Chestnut Class this week

Term 5 week 3


Spelling sessions this week will focus on revising words from the statutory year 3 and 4 list.  We will be using a variety of techniques to learn the spelling pattern and will also put words into sentences to demonstrate our understanding.  In grammar sessions we be looking at structuring paragraphs and also using fronted adverbials in paragraphs.


In whole class guided reading we are continuing with our text ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’.


Using the tension mountain idea, we will be ordering key events from a very dramatic chapter of Beowulf.  We will also be thinking about setting descriptions.  As we work towards writing our own hero myths we will be doing some brainstorming of our own key characters.


In maths, we will be focusing on equivalent fractions.  This will involve some revision of year 3 concepts before moving onto the year 4 curriculum.  We will be using pictorial representations and physical resources to develop our understanding.  We will also continue working on times table fluency.


We made an excellent start to our unit on Hinduism by analysing an image showing the Hindu creation story.  We then learned about the story and revisited the image.  This week we will be retelling the story and analysing the symbolism we see in other images.


We will be thinking about historical evidence and the key tribes who settled in the British Isles and became known as the Anglo Saxons.  We will choose a tribe and create our own settler character.


After learning more of the animation functions from Purple Mash, we have created some really interesting pieces of work.  This week, we will all design an animation on the same theme and see how many of the functions we can employ.


In PE we will again be working on our sprinting, relay and javelin techniques as we prepare for Sports Day this year!