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Term 5 Week 2

Here is an outline for your learning in Chestnut Class this week

Term 5 week 2


Spellings this week will be words ending with ‘sion’.  We will be using a variety of techniques to learn the spelling pattern and will also put words into sentences to demonstrate our understanding.  In grammar sessions we continue to focus on standard English, specifically the use of ‘have not of’ and ‘these/those not them’.


In whole class guided reading we are continuing with our text ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’.


We have made a good start to an adaptation of Beowulf and will this week be looking at the use of powerful verbs and writing monster descriptions using them.  We will also be thinking about how authors create tension and ordering events from the story onto a tension mountain.  The use of different sentence lengths will also be explored.


In maths we are beginning a unit on fractions.  This will start with some revision of concepts learned in Year 3.  Over the week we will be learning about unit and non-unit fractions, what fractions are, tenths and counting in tenths.  We will also continue working on times table fluency.


As part of our new unit on Hinduism, we will be thinking about the Hindu creation story, learning the key figures and terms and comparing it to creation stories we know from other faiths.  We will be looking at a range of different images and using them to retell the story.


Continuing our learning about the human digestive system, we will be thinking about what happens when we chew food.  We will be doing some practical experiments to explore the function of saliva and stomach acids.  


We have started learning about animation in ICT and I think we are all excited about using some more functions in the 2Animate section of Purple Mash this week.


In PE we will be developing our sprinting and relay techniques as we prepare for Sports Day this year!