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Term 4 Week 2

Here is the outline for your learning for term 4 week 2

Term 4 Week 2 - overview


Welcome to your final week of home learning!


Live sessions: You will have received a parentpay letter with details of how to access the following sessions:

Monday 9.15 Live guided reading session with Mrs Barter 

Wednesday 1.00 Live story time with Mrs Barter

Thursday 9.15 Live guided reading session with Mrs Barter


STEM sessions

We have signed up for 2 STEM sessions on Tuesday.  These are:

Who wants to be a superhero

Music to my ears.

These are approximately 50 minutes long each.  The details for accessing these will come in Tuesday’s blog post.


Independent reading– 30 minutes per day and recorded in your yellow reading record.


Whole class reader– We will be reading chapters 2 and 3 of The Boy Who Grew Dragons.  I will introduce this to you in Monday’s live lesson and it will also be attached to the blog in case you are unable to join us. You will received comprehension questions on Wednesday and we will go through these in the live session on Thursday.


Spellings– This week we will be looking at the prefixes inter- and super-.


Grammar– This week we will move on to noun phrases.   I will as usual upload a powerpoint and sheets for Tuesday and Thursday Please remember that while I have to upload a set of 3 sheets, I do not expect you to do all 3.  We would usually do sheet 2 in class but you may feel you want to challenge yourself further!


English– We will continue with the Goblinology booklet with a focus on persuasive writing.


Maths– We will be multiplying by 11 and 12, multiplying 3 numbers and learning about factor pairs..  You will receive the link to a recorded lesson OR a powerpoint,  and the worksheets and answer sheets will be uploaded to the blog each day.


Maths fluency– I will continue to set math fluency activities which will mostly be practising times tables using a variety of platforms and activities.  They will correlate to the skills you are working on in your main maths lesson.


Science– Using the Oak Academy teaching videos and quiz, we will be thinking about how different sounds are produced.


RE – We will continue to develop our understanding of Humanism. 


Topic- This week you will be thinking about children’s rights..


ICT– I have set keyboard skills activities on Purple Mash for you to complete in your scheduled session on Thursday


PE- This week we will be focusing on fast feet!