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This Week’s Learning

Term 3, Week 1

Things are a little bit different this week because we are all learning from home. So here is a rundown of the home learning activities that will be added to the blog this week.


We are starting our new topic focusing on Prehistoric Britain. The story of prehistoric Britain began when the first humans arrived in Britain. It ended when the Romans conquered the ancient Britons and Britain became part of the Roman Empire.

The earliest humans were hunter-gatherers. They survived by hunting animals and finding food to eat. Then, very gradually people learned new skills. First, they learned to herd animals and grow crops. Later they discovered the secrets of making bronze and iron.

Prehistoric people couldn't read or write, but they were astonishing builders. Their tombs, forts and monuments have survived for thousands of years. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at different aspects of the time periods of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, taking a trip through 900,000 years of prehistoric history.


Reading – Whilst learning from home you should be aiming for 30 minutes of reading a day. This can be your reading book from school or a book from home. This week we will be studying the book Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We will be looking at what we know about the Stone Age, we will answer comprehension questions about what we can see and what we have read, we will finish the week by learning the skill summarising.


English – Michael Rosen is one of Maple Class teams favourite poets, we looked at some of his poetry in Beech class. This week we will read and listen to his poem Born in the Stone Age. We will look at how this poem makes us feel and what you like/ dislike about it. We will make timeline of the events that happen in the poem and use this to help us thing of other verses we could add. We will also look at the punctuation of the two uses of apostrophes.


Maths - Each day please start your maths learning by spending 10 minutes on number fluency, they will be a link to either Times Table Rockstar’s or a Purple Mash activity. For this week learning we will be starting our journey of multiplication. We will recap some skills from Year 2 to remind us about grouping before moving on.


If you have any questions or queries relating to the homework tasks set for you this week, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email, We will aim to get back to you as quickly as possible, please be aware we will be working in class on some days as well but will check emails regularly.  Also, remember to keep us updated and send in your completed work. Wherever possible we will aim to give you feedback on the core subjects and add your work to the blog to help inspire you classmates.