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Term 2 Week 5

Week commencing 30th Nov

This week we will be continuing looking at the theme 'Journeys' in English where we are writing a newspaper report. In maths we are finishing off addition and subtraction by reviewing the column method, estimating answers and checking our workings. From next week we will be moving on to multiplication and division. In RE we are thinking about what we think the God of Christianity is like and designing art work about the Holy Trinity.

In ICT the children will be moving on to learning the basics of touch typing. Topic continues to be focused on volcanoes and the geographic effects of tectonic plates. We will be continuing to design our toys and games using magnets in science and looking more at friendships in PSHE.

Home Learning

As always please spend 15mins 5 times a week reading.

Spellings - I have set a quiz on purplemash that will consolidate this terms spellings. 

Maths - Please use the 3 times tables that have been already put in books to practice and to begin learning division facts. For example 2 x 3 = 6 so 6 divided by 3 = 2. Etc. 


As always; any questions please feel free to email the class email address.