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Term 2 week 2

Week commencing 9th Nov

I hope you have all had a restful weekend and enjoyed the good weather. How wonderfully warm it was!

This week the children will be continuing with their writing the next part of the story 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane' with a focus on using techniques like fronted adverbials and 'show don't tell' phrases. We will also be looking and practising our dictionary skills.

In maths we are continuing practising adding and subtracting 2 and 3 digit numbers, we also have a mystery problem to solve using a variety of mathematical skills. 

In science we will be investigating magnetism, looking closely at things that are and are not magnetic and making predictions. We will also be seeing if we can answer some of the 'what we would like to know' questions we wrote this week. 

In topic the children will be learning more about volcanoes and also moving their learning forward looking at tectonic plates and the effects they have around the world. 


Home Learning

As always, please ensure your child reads for 15min 5 times a week.

Spellings - I have set a quiz on Purplemash.

Maths - Please use Times Tables Rockstars to practice times tables. I have also added some addition questions on purplemash; adding tens to a 3 digit number. This is a skill we have practised at school, they children have a range of mathods they could use (numberlines, place value charts, draw out deienes/base ten or use column addition)