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Term 2, week 2

We have a treat on Thursday, with a visit to the Trinity Theatre to see the film Matilda. An email has been sent to you all, but if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me on the class email.

In English this week, we will continue our new unit based on the Stone Aged Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. Using the text to help us, we will be learning how best to use a thesaurus and then introducing adverbials of time and place in our writing.

In Whole Class reading this week we will continue with The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd. We will investigate the vocabulary and answer questions about the text, both as a class and individually.

In Maths this week we will continue the addition and subtraction unit, building on adding and subtracting 1s, 10s and then 100s. Times tables will be an ongoing feature, with the children completing a times table challenge each week.

In science this week, we will continue looking at Animals, including humans - focusing on nutrition. We will also continue the ‘Time and Place’ unit about Stone Age, this week, looking at the distinctive designs found on Celtic art.

Mrs Banner will be teaching our RE on Friday, and will be continuing the Incarnation unit. Mrs Banner will also do a spelling test, computing and elements of the maths curriculum.

Swimming continues on Tuesday this week, and Maple class have PE on Mondays. They will need full PE kit, swimming costume/trunks, a towel, swimming cap - this is required by the swimming pool, and goggles (although these are optional). There will also be occasions when we do additional PE sessions, so please can the children have their PE kit in school all week.

Reading Records will generally be changed on a Monday and Thursday. We would still ask, however, that children bring their reading books and Reading Records in to school each day and that they aim to read daily, ideally with an adult – details of this can then be recorded in the Reading Record. Homework will be sent home on Tuesday, and is due back on Monday.  The children are becoming far more independent in their learning now, but please do remind them to put their Reading Records and Home Learning books into the baskets! Obviously, we do remind them, but if you could remind them again too, that would be great.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes

Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team