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Term 6, week 1

This week will look a little different as the children will be completing some assessments in Maths and English. Due to this, there will be no homework set for the week!

There will be spellings to learn this week but we will make extra time in class to learn these. They are as follows:

In addition, we will be having some fun with hieroglyphics and finally finishing our wonderful pigeon puppets!

The children will also have some fun with maths problems and coins, looking at consolidating the ‘money’ unit.

We will continue with whole class reading, using the BFG story to further investigate the vocabulary, and to answer questions about comprehension and composition.

Mrs Johnson will be starting a new unit in RE on Wednesday afternoon, looking at Sikhism and worship, suggesting the significance of each part of it.

Mrs Hawker will also be starting a new unit in science, investigating flowering plants, their different parts and the function of each part.

Maple class have PE on Thursday with myself and Mr Luckhurst, and then swimming on Friday as usual. Please do email if you have any questions about this and remember to send your children in with everything they need for these sessions. If in doubt please do ask.

Reading Records will continue to be changed generally on a Monday and Thursday. We would continue to ask however, that children bring their books and Reading Records in to school each day and that they aim to read daily, ideally with an adult – details of this can then be recorded in the Reading Record. A number of children have said they have lost their reading record, so if this is the case, please do email on the class email, and will arrange for a new record to be issued.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes

Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team