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Term 5, week 2

A little reminder - please find below a link to a suitable reading list, which you will find includes a vast range of different authors. If anyone has any trouble accessing this list, please let me know and will aim to print a list for you.

This term in English, we will be using ‘Cinderella of the Nile’ by Beverley Naidoo as our feature book. This book, based on the earliest known version of Cinderella, takes us on a journey following the story of Rhodopis, and is beautifully illustrated throughout. This week we will be using the text to justify inferences, look at the rules of writing and using conjunctions.

In guided reading this week, we will continue reading The BFG together. You may recall we used the opening extract in whole class reading earlier this year, and the children all agreed that we should read the complete story!  Each week, the children will investigate the vocabulary and answer questions about comprehension and composition. I am hoping that there will be a little drama involved too.

In Maths this week we are continuing the fraction unit, further investigating the numerators of non-unit fractions, understanding the whole and comparing/ordering non-unit fractions. Times tables learning will continue throughout the week, with opportunities for the children to practise their tables and complete a times table challenge.

In art this week, the children will continue to construct their puppets, adding additional layers and the final touches prior to paining the pigeons. We will also be continuing our new Ancient Egyptian topic this term too.

Mrs Johnson will be continuing the Kingdom of God unit in RE, helping the children to offer suggestions about what the description of Pentecost in Acts 2 might mean. Mrs Hawker will be finishing the light science unit.

Maple class have PE on Thursday with myself and Mr Luckhurst, and then swimming on Friday as usual. It was a shame we were unable to swim last week, but hopefully we can resume this week. Please do email if you have any questions about this and remember to send your children in with everything they need for these sessions. If in doubt please do ask.

Reading Records will continue to be changed generally on a Monday and Thursday. We would continue to ask however, that children bring their books and Reading Records in to school each day and that they aim to read daily, ideally with an adult – details of this can then be recorded in the Reading Record. Pleased do contact me if you feel your child’s book is either too easy or too difficult, or if your child’s book has not been changed. There are times when a book will be sent home more than once, either because a child is reading chapter books, or if it is felt that the book needs to be read more than once to enhance familiarity.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes

Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team