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Term 2, week 6

Another quick word about Homework! If there are any issues with TwinklGo, please do let me know. I shall monitor this over the next few weeks and then decide whether to continue to use this moving forward. Therefore, any feedback would be very useful.

This week in English, we will be finishing our stories, based on the Stone Age Boy and deciding about how we will present these. Guided reading will be based on our Christmas carols!

In Maths this week we will continue to focus on adding and subtraction, completing this unit next week. Times tables will continue through the week, with opportunities for the children to practise their tables and complete a times table challenge.

As we will be visiting the Church again for rehearsals, there will be no topic work this week. In IT, we will be further developing our animations.

Mrs Johnson will continue the Incarnation unit in RE this week, continuing to look at the links between our Bible texts and the idea of God in Christianity. We will also be looking at the Christmas story in more detail.

Mrs Tompsett will be covering science again on Friday, this week continuing to compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. The children will complete the weekly spelling test on Friday too (words can be found in the home learning section) and have their weekly French session.

Maple class have PE on Mondays and Thursdays, and both sessions will be with myself and Mr Luckhurst.

Reading Records will generally be changed on a Monday and Thursday, but the children can request a change on other days too. We will do our best to accommodate this.

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes       

Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team