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Term 6, Week 5

What we are learning on the week beginning 5th July... 

English - We are going to carry on with our information text, we are planning on turning these into a class book soon. 

Reading - We are going to continue to look at the book 'The Girl who Thought she was a Dog' by Clare Balding. We will focus on how we infer information from the text. 

Maths - We will spend the first part of the week finishing looking at how we can use grid method to solve multiplication problems before moving on to look at division. 

Home Learning 

Reading - Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. 

Online - Have a go at the following game on PurpleMash - Alien Time  - Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions. Have a go at the following game on PurpleMash - Alien Time  - Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions.

In books - Please complete to maths questions on multiplication. Remember to keep practising your spellings, our test is on the 12th July. 


Any questions please talk to us after school or email the class email address.