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Term 6, week 3

What are we learning in the week beginning 21st June 2021?

English - We are continuing to plan our information reports, we will be organising the notes that we took last week into sections ready to produce our reports. 

Reading - We will be finishing Flat Stanley and writing our own book reviews to tell each other what we thought about the story. We will then start to look at the book - The girl who thought she was a dog' by Claire Baldwin. 

Maths - We are starting a new topic this week, we will be looking at multiplication - our learning objectives will be ; to compare (multiplication and division) statements using inequality symbols; to use known multiplication facts to solve multiplication and division word problems; to multiply 2 digits by 1-digit numbers. 

Home learning 

Reading - books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. 

Online - Have a go at the following game - 

It will challenge you to make different types of sentences.

In books - New spellings have been added to your child's book. These will be tested on 28th June


Any questions please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.