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Friday 22nd January

Daily Plans for Friday 22nd January 2021

22.1.21      * Remember to dip into your project about a famous Victorian of your choice when you have finished an activity and have some spare time. LOOK OUT EVERY FRIDAY FOR A CLASS CHALLENGE THAT WILL BE PUT ONTO OUR CLASS BLOG BY MR MACKINNON!  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE and any independent writing that you have done.  Thank you.



1.Punctuation activity

I have uploaded 2 Classroom Secrets punctuation activities and power point slides to accompany each activity.  One is entitled Punctuating Direct Speech and the other is Direct or Indirect Speech (these will consolidate some of our writing that we have been doing this week involving the use of speech marks).  Now complete the sheet that you did not do yesterday.  Answers are given.  Please complete the sheet that you normally work from.


2. Maths

1. Today we are learning about cube numbers. Please watch the White Rose Learning Video using the link about cube numbers. Please remember to pause the video when you need to do calculations and give yourself plenty of time. Also remember that the answers are always given by the person who is presenting the videos. Remember to also show any of your working out. I have also uploaded the White Rose Worksheet with answers to go with the learning video.

2. I have set you a MyMaths activity about factors and prime numbers and a game on Purple Mash entitled ‘Dividers’.  For Purple Mash please only do the activities that are set by me with a due date.  You choose the level you would like to start with. Carry on with your Times Tables Rockstars.  Dip into these set activities when you finish your written work. The due date is next Friday, 29.1.21

3.  English

1. Please use this session to finish off your independent writing activities about Chapters 2 and 3 of ‘Street Child’ I have set you this week. 

2.  Continue working through your ‘Talk for Writing’ Booklet.  Now work through Activity 16: map your imaginary land on p.22.  Before you design and draw your own map of where your type of elf or sprite lives look at the author Kieran Larwood’s link that is provided. 


4. Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session I would like you to go over your answers with a grown up for Chapters 4 and 5 of ‘Street Child’. 


5.  Finish any work that you have not completed this week.

6. If you have completed everything, work on your project about a famous Victorian of your choice. Remember to include lots of pictures and illustrations.