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This Week's Learning

Term 3 Week 1

In English and Communication, we are going to start thinking about creating pieces of instruction writing. We are going to take inspiration from 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl and think up instructions for how to make our teachers really angry! 

In Phonics, we are focusing on adding the -er and -est suffix to words ending in y. For example, happier, happiest, easier, easiest, funnier, funniest, luckier, luckiest. Our grammar focus is using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases. 

In Guided Reading, we are going to read 'The Paper Bag Princess'. Our focus will be on questions using our retrieval and vocabulary skills. 

In Maths, we are turning our attention to Money. We will learn to identify the values of coins and notes and find total amounts of pounds and pence. 

In Time and Place, we are going to turn our attention towards Knights and Castles. We are going to use a walking timeline to help us work out exactly when Knights and Castles were commonplace in Britain. 

In Science and Computing, we are going to consider what language is used to programme computers. We are then going to use this language to give clear and unambiguous instructions to other members of the class. 

We are also going to complete Mastering Number, PE and Design and the Arts activities. If you would like to know more about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us directly using the class email address.