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This Week's Learning

Term 2 Week 6

In English and Communication this week, we are focusing on writing a first person diary entry from the point of view of Samuel Pepys. We are going to imagine that he is visiting a Frost Fair for the first time. We will focus on creating simple, compound and complex sentences which recount his experiences. We will also focus on using descriptive sentences to describe what he sees and how he feels. 

In Phonics, we will be focusing on using 'le' to make the /l/ sound. For example, in words such as bubble, middle, table, apple, little, puddle, giggle and cuddle. Our grammar focus will be on common nouns. 

In Maths, we are focusing on subtraction. First we will learn techniques to subtract through 10. Then we will use and apply this understanding to subtract through multiples of 10. 

In Time and Place, we will be using our trip to the ice rink to make comparisons between the Thames Frost Fair of 1666 and the modern ice rink at the Calverly Grounds. 

In Science and Computing, we will be focusing on how we can use computer software to make changes to the digital photographs that we took last week. 

We will also be completing Mastering Number, RE and Design and the Arts lessons as well as practising for the KS1 Nativity. What a busy week!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us directly using the class email address.