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This Week's Learning

Term 2 Week 5

In English and Communication this week we are going to start planning a new diary entry from the perspective of Samuel Pepys. We will start by creating simple action sentences which retell events. We will then use a range of conjunctions to create compound and complex sentences. 

In Phonics, we are going to learn to use 'wr' to make the /r/ sound. For example- in words such as wrong, wrist, write, wrote and wrist. Our grammar focus for the week will be adverbs. 

In Maths, we will be focusing on subtraction. We will be using the bridging through 10 technique to subtract through 10 and multiples of 10. 

In Time and Place, we will be learning about the Thames Frost Fairs. We will use primary and secondary sources of information to learn about this historical event. 

In Science and Computing, we will learn about how to take effective photographs. We will then examine some of the photographs we took last week and consider how they could be improved. 

In Outdoor Learning, we will walk to the local woodlands to collect natural resources which can be used to make natural Christmas decorations. 

We will also complete Mastering Number, Guided Reading, PE and RE lessons as well as continuing our preparation for the KS1 Nativity. 

If you have any questions, please contact us using the class email address. 




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