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This Week's Learning

Term 2 Week 2

In English and Communication this week we are going to complete our Samuel Pepy's diary entry. Then we are going to explore how direct speech can be recorded in narrative writing. We will use this understanding to plan out a section of dialogue involving Samuel Pepys and record it an different ways. 

In Phonics we are learning to use 'gn' to make the /n/ sound. We will also learn to spell the tricky words know and colour. Our grammar focus is on using alphabetical order to the first and second letter in words. 

In Guided Reading we will be focusing on developing fluency and using retrieval skills to find relevant information in texts. 

In Maths we are going to focus on using simple addition and subtraction facts to solve more complex calculations. 

In Science and Computing we are going to analyse the materials used to build houses in 1666. We will then draw conclusions relating to their suitability and the extent to which this contributed to the fire. 

We will also complete Mastering Number, PE and Design and the Arts lessons as well. If you would like more information relating to any of these activties, please contact us using the class email address.