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This Week's Learning

Term 1 Week 6

In English, this week we are going to put ourselves into the shoes of Samuel Pepys. We are going to start writing a diary entry from his perspective on the night that the Great Fire started. We will focus on using simple sentences to retell the events of the night before using adverbial phrases to enhance these sentences. 

In Phonics, we are going to focus on spelling words which us 'y' to make the 'igh' sound. For example: by, try. fly. sky, sly, dry, my. Our grammar focus will be to use capital letters at the start of sentences and full stops at the end of sentences. 

In Maths, we are going to complete our Place Value unit by focusing on counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. We will then complete problem-solving activities designed to deepen our understanding of the concept of Place Value. 

In Science and Computing, we will turn our attention towards materials. We will think of as many different materials as possible and then begin to consider how materials can be sorted according to their properties. 

We will also complete Mastering Number, Guided Reading, PE, RE and Design and the Arts activities as well. If you have any questions about these activities, please contact us using the class email address.