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This Week's Learning

Term 1 Week 4

In English and Communication, we are going to focus on creating sentences which describe the sights, sounds and smells of the Great Fire of London. We will use adjectives to create expanded noun phrases and prepositional phrases to open our sentences. 

In Guided Reading we will continue to read and explore The Tin Forest. 

In Phonics, we will continue to revisit the sounds we learnt in Level 5 with a focus on the ir, ue, ue, y, aw, au, ow, oe and wh sounds. If you want to practise your level 5 sounds, please use the document attached to this post. 

In Science and Computing, we are looking at the benefits of using Information Technology. In order to explore this concept, we will complete the same designing task twice- once with IT and once without it. We will then compare and contrast the outcomes. 

We will also complete PE, RE, Mastering Number and Design and the Arts activities. If you have any questions about these tasks or any other matter relating to learning in Beech Class, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.