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This Week's Learning

Term 6 Week 2

In Maths this week we are going to finish learning about 2D and 3D shapes. Then we are going to start learning about measuring mass, capacity and temperature. We will begin by comparing mass and then measuring objects in grams and kilograms. 

In Phonics, we will continue to explore how to add the -ment and -ness suffixes to words. We will also learn to spell the tricky words 'hour' and 'move'.  

Next week we will also be starting our new 'At Home and Abroad' Enquiry. We will start by exploring our surroundings and categorising the key features into Human and Physical characterisers. Next, we will use mapping skills to create a map of our local surroundings. We will use symbols to add a key to our maps to give it more detail. 

In Computing, we will focus on using the Chrome Music Lab to make digital pieces of music. If you would like to use this tool at home, please follow this link:

Chrome Music Lab (

We will also be completing PE, Mastering Number, Guided Reading and PHSCE lessons. If you have any questions about any of these activties, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Beech Class email. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we have Year 2 Sports Day. We would love to see as many of you as possible to cheer on Beech Class.

On Friday we have our rescheduled trip to Tonbridge Castle. We are leaving promptly in the mooring, so please make sure that your child arrives at school on time and appropriately dressed for the weather conditions.  




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