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This Week's Learning

Term 5 Week 5

This week, Year 2 pupils will begin their KS1 SATs in Reading and Maths. Pupils will be working in small groups, with a familiar adult and there is no time limit for the tests. If you have any questions or queries about these tests, please do not hesitate to contact us using the Beech Class email address. 

When we are not doing our SATs, we are going to spend much of the week focusing on Science. First we will explore the difference between things that are alive, dead and have never been alive. Next, we will turn our attention to plants and learn about their different parts and functions. Then we will explore the life cycle of a plant and compare and contrast it with the life cycle of animals. Finally, we will explore habitats and plant adaptation. 

In addition, we will also be completing PHSCE, PE, RE and Design and the Arts sessions. If you have any questions or queries relating to these activities, please contact us using the Beech Class email address.