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This Week's Learning

Term 5 Week 4

In Phonics this week, we are focusing on 'war' saying as /wor/ and as 'wor' saying /wur/. For example: war, ward, warm, towards, world, worst, work, worth. We will also learn to spell the tricky words prove and improve. Our grammar focus for the week will be on subordinating conjunctions. 

In Maths, we are going to revisit the addition, subtraction and division skills that we earned earlier in the year. We will then practise using these skills in a range of different contexts. We will also continue to explore 2D shape. First, we will work on drawing 2D shapes. Next we will learn about symmetry in 2D shapes. 

We will also complete Mastering Number, Guided Reading, PE, PHSCE and Design and the Arts sessions as well. 

If you have any questions about these learning activities, please do not hesitate to get in touch using the Beech Class email address.