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This Week's Learning

Term 5 Week 1

In English this week, we are writing our final chapters for our class quest narrative. We will utilise all of the skills that we earned last term to create a fantastic final chapter. 

In Phonics, we are learning how to use the 'ey' digraph to make the /ee/ sound. Examples of words using this pattern include: Key, Monkey, Donkey, Honey, Money, Chimney, Valley, Turkey. 

We are also learning to spell the tricky words 'heart' and 'dangerous'. 

Our grammar focus is using exclamation marks to show emotions and shouting. 

In Maths, we are focusing on telling the time using an analogue clock. We will start the week be looking at o'clock and half past times. Next, we will focus on quarter past and quarter to tines. Finally, we will explore how to use 5-minute intervals to tell the time. We will also start to look at 2D and 3D shapes. 

We will also complete Mastering Number, Guided Reading, PE, PHSCE, RE and Design and the Arts activities as well. 

If you have any questions about what we are learning about this week, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address.